Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rain, rain go away...

Why is it that on rainy, stormy days it sucks any will to be productive out of you?  I really had good intentions today to do laundry, get some house packing done, trip packing done and possibly even some homework read.  Instead I've watched three episodes of Glee, had two marshmallow eggs and am working my way through a Reese's peanut butter egg.  Damn you Easter candy.  Working at a retailer that has awesome candy deals right now is not helping my weight loss goals.  Which to date is 16.5 pounds. But stuffing my pie hole with peanutbutter and Peeps is very unproductive.  I'm hoping to redeem myself a bit with some serious baking for our trip. I'm going to use Sneaky Chef recipes to fit a little extra fiber and vitamins in our meals over next weekend.   I haven't tried these recipes yet, so I may have to report back that we starved to death in the woods of North Carolina.  I'm pretty sure the wolves will take advantage of our weakened states.  

We are joining the Mini's on the Dragon even this year. Over 500 cars cruising through the woods, it's always fun and nice to get around others that truly enjoy their cars.  And to be around people that validate your own craziness.  Unfortunately my Royal Wedding barf bags won't be arriving in time for us to use. Apparently there are some issues keeping them in stock.  318 curves  in 11 miles tends to leave my hubby and me a little green.  Yet we intend to do the drive multiple times. Can you say masochists?

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